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Get Cheap Young Drivers Car Insurance

Posted On : May-27-2010 | seen (465) times | Article Word Count : 1198 |

What can young drivers do to get to cheap auto insurance?
There are many things that young drivers can do to get car insurance cheap. It is important to remember that teenagers and younger adults get into the most accidents which cause insurers to charge them the highest premiums. Even though you may be in this high risk age group, it is to your benefit to follow some if not all of the suggestions mentioned in this article. By doing so, you may put yourself in a stronger position to find quality coverage at an affordable price.

If you live at home stay on your parents policy.

If you are under the age of 25 and still live at home with your parents, you will most likely be able to save a lot of money on young drivers insurance by staying on your parents policy. Insurers believe that you will be less likely to get into an accident if you stay on your parents policy rather than going out and buying one of your own.

If you go away to school and your vehicle is stored at home, notify your insurer of this information.

If you go away to college and you store your vehicle at home you will have less opportunities to drive your vehicle which will lead to you having less opportunities to get into an accident. Insurers recognize that school takes up a good portion of the year, thus they will usually provide you with a substantial discount if your vehicle is stored at home and you are away at school. To qualify for this young drivers car insurance discount, you must store your vehicle at least 100 miles away from where you go to school.

Get good grades in school.

If you get over a 3.0 GPA in school, you may qualify for a ten percent reduction on your premiums. The reason insurers offer this discount to good students is because good students get into less accidents than students who do not do well in school. To take advantage of this discount you will have to verify your grades to your insurer by showing them your report card. But getting good grades is worth it, because they can definitely be big a help when it comes to finding cheap car insurance for young drivers.

Be responsible, cautious, alert, and safe when you drive.

Your driving record is the single best indicator of how likely you are to get into a future accident. The reason that teenagers and younger adults are charged the highest premiums of any age group in the country is because as a group, teenagers and younger adults get into the most accidents. So if you are under the age of 25, insurers will lump you into this high risk age group until you prove and demonstrate to them that you are safe behind the wheel. It takes about three years to establish your driving record. If you manage to avoid all accidents and traffic violations for a five year time frame, then many insurers will offer you a good driving discount for doing so. For insurers it is all about the risk that you present of getting into a future accident. If they think that you present a low risk of getting into a future accident, then they will offer you young drivers car insurance cheap. The best way for you to minimize your risk of getting into a future accident is by always being responsible, cautious, alert, and safe when you operate your vehicle. That means adhering to all speed limits, focusing on your driving and not on texting and talking on the phone, and never operating your vehicle after you have consumed alcohol.

Less driving usually means lower premiums.

Because teenagers and younger motorists have the highest accidents rates, insurers will usually reward them for driving less. The reason for this is quite simple, the less a person drives, the less opportunities that person has to get into an accident. If you are under the age of 25 and can reduce your annual driving to under 10,000 miles a year. This should benefit you when you go to look for young drivers car insurance.

Make a smart decision when you purchase your vehicle.

What you drive affects what you pay in premiums. If you drive a modest car that does not have a lot of value to it, it is going to be less expensive to insure than if you drive an expensive luxury vehicle. Furthermore, in most cases, if you drive a sporty automobile you will be statistically more likely to get into an accident than if you drive a conservative four door sedan. What you drive also affects what coverage you need to buy. For instance, if your vehicle is worth less than $2,000.00, it may sense for you to avoid carrying collision and comprehensive coverage which will further increase your likelihood of ending up with young driver insurance at a cheap price. On the other hand if you lease or finance your automobile, the finance company or lease holder will require you to carry both comprehensive and collision coverage, which will make your premiums higher. If saving money is important to you, and you have yet to purchase your vehicle, it makes smart financial sense to do price comparisons before you buy your car. Once you find out how much it is to insure each vehicle that you are considering purchasing, you can make a more educated decision when it comes time for you to buy.

Take a driving education class.

Insurers say that poor decision making and lack of experience are the primary causes of the high accident rates of teenagers and younger adults. By voluntarily taking a driving education class, you will increase your driving IQ which will help to make you safer behind the wheel. Furthermore, many providers will give you a five percent discount on your young drivers auto insurance for voluntarily taking and completing the class.

Shop around and look for the best deals.

Once you have done everything in your power to put yourself in a strong position to get a good deal, then all that is left to do is to go out and find it. We suggest that you identify your coverage needs prior to commencing your search. Once you have identified what coverage and how much coverage is needed, then it is time to search for the best price. The reality is, you will be more likely to find car insurance for young drivers at a cheap price if you do a thorough shopping of the marketplace. The reason for this is that there are many insurers that offer coverage. And you will find that most of them offer similar if not identical coverage at different prices. To get the best coverage at the lowest price please dedicate sufficient time to properly conduct your search.

Article Source : Cheap Young Drivers Car Insurance_20261.aspx

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Keywords : Young Drivers Insurance, Young Drivers Car Insurance, Young Drivers Cheap Car Insurance, Cheap Car Insurance For Young Driver,

Category : Finance : Insurance

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