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How to Remove Calluses?

Posted On : Dec-14-2010 | seen (315) times | Article Word Count : 502 |

In order to answer the question how to remove calluses, one must understand the exact meaning of the term callus. Removal of the calluses is a very significant aspect of skin care.
In order to answer the question how to remove calluses, one must understand the exact meaning of the term callus. The thick area of your skin that might have become dry due to any natural reason is called callus. Removal of the calluses is a very significant aspect of skin care. Calluses are common in the area below the feet. These are the scaly dried parts of your feet that just make your feet look very bad. There are several natural ways to remove these unwanted calluses. If you are seriously worried about the way you look, then you must go ahead and remove the calluses at the earliest. These dried parts can also cause severe problems to your feet and the affected parts of the body. Feet are the most commonly affected area of the body.

Proper care of feet and other callus influenced parts of the body is essential as the skin becomes extra dry in the winter season. This cold and dry weather affects the skin and hence makes it dry and rough. Application of a good moisturizer is significant as it keeps the skin moist. The most affected ones are people having sensitive skin. Proper and timely skin care is hence essential as it nurtures the skin and helps it to develop in a proper way. Hardening of the skin or in other words the formation of the callus can also be very painful in certain cases. Several home based remedies are suggested below to assist in removal of calluses.

Try to soak the influenced area in warm water or soap solution and rub with a pumice stone to soften the skin by gently rubbing with the stone. Circular motions with pumice stone will remove the dead skin and soften the region. Applying moisturizer is also a trusted process to get rid of calluses. Daily application of a good moisturizer will show results soon. Also use footwear that is comfortable and covers the feet properly. Overexposed feet get calluses easily. Hands at times also get infected with calluses, but the use of pumice stone is not advised for removal of calluses on hands.

Homeopathic treatment is one more good option to treat calluses. The process is a bit slow, but the treatment is permanent and guaranteed without any side effect. There are surgical treatments as well where your doctor will cut the hard skin but only few people resort to this option. As far as medication is concerned salicylic acid ointments is often used to remove the hard portions of the skin.

Complications caused by calluses should be consulted with podiatrist as it can also cause infection in certain number of ways. There are many different ways to remove callus. Sometimes an allergy to a particular fabric can also cause infection and hence lead to callus. The treatment of callus depends upon its nature and severity. If the callus is relatively thinner, then the treatment can be very simple and less painful also.

Article Source : to Remove Calluses? _44918.aspx

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Keywords : remove calluses naturally, remove corns, remove foot callouses, how to remove corn, home remedies for callus, remove dead skin,

Category : Health and Fitness : Alternative Medicine

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