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Isabelle Nanty Horoscope

Posted On : Feb-12-2011 | seen (289) times | Article Word Count : 450 |

Isabelle Nanty's 2011 Horoscope says, Jupiter in transit is positioned in the 4th house in her Lagna Chart this year.
Introduction of Isabelle Nanty

Isabelle Nanty was born on January 21, 1962 in Verdun, Meuse, France. She is a French actress and film director. Nanty played the part of Georgette in the 2001 French film Amélie and Isabelle in La Belle Histoire (1992). Isabelle Nanty has won two best supporting actress awards for Pas sur la bouche (2003) and Le fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain (2001). Apart from it, Nanty also nominated for Most Promising Actress for their excellent performance in Tatie Danielle (1990).

Isabelle Nanty 2011 Horoscope

Isabelle Nanty's 2011 Horoscope says, Jupiter in transit is positioned in the 4th house in her Lagna Chart this year. Fourth house is related to worldly pleasures. It includes domestic pleasures; domestic aids i.e. servants, conveyance, property, domestic peace and happiness. The period is seen as quite favourable for students and they will get success in their examination and all the hard work put in for last period will reap them good fruits now. But otherwise it spells loss of domestic peace and harmony in household, for one reason or the other. Isabelle Nanty will go through lot of stress and strain during this period and there will be a heavy loss of mental peace due to dissatisfying career or the domestic disharmony.

Isabelle Nanty's Astrology

Astrology can be used to understand a person's personality, successes and failures and to forecast how someone will feel or behave over a period of time. It can even be used to plan the best time to do various things. Astrology can be divided into natal astrology and mundane astrology. The word "Astrology" is derived from the latin word-astrologia which in turn comes from the greek word Astron which means constellation or star and the word Logia which means "the study of". Astrology is the study of the movements and placement of celestial bodies that are believed to have an effect on the life on earth or the events experienced by humans.

Isabelle Nanty's Astrology

Astrology can be used to understand a person's personality, successes and failures and to forecast how someone will feel or behave over a period of time. It can even be used to plan the best time to do various things. Astrology can be divided into natal astrology and mundane astrology. The word "Astrology" is derived from the latin word-astrologia which in turn comes from the greek word Astron which means constellation or star and the word Logia which means "the study of". Astrology is the study of the movements and placement of celestial bodies that are believed to have an effect on the life on earth or the events experienced by humans.

Article Source : Nanty Horoscope_52386.aspx

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Keywords : Horoscope, Astrology, 2011 Horoscope,

Category : Arts and Entertainment : Arts and Entertainment

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