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Makers of E-cigs Aim to Provide Savings Alternatives for Traditional Tobacco Users and Lower Their

Posted On : Feb-15-2011 | seen (386) times | Article Word Count : 659 |

Once initial investments are made, the manufacturers of e-cigarette products say the savings opportunities for consumers are significant, as the costs of enjoying the products far outweigh those of traditional nicotine-based cigarettes. They are also a healthier alternative to traditional cigarettes because they do not have the chemicals found in nicotine products.
The money smokers of traditional nicotine-based cigarettes, pipes and cigars each year is astounding and could just help you make the decision to try an alternative.
According to a recent article from, eliminating the costs of buying cigarettes could make it possible to send you on a mini-vacation for two or even pay a monthly mortgage bill. A recent article from MSN asserts that the average cost of a 20-count pack of cigarettes is now up to anywhere between $4.50 and $5, including taxes, depending on what state you live in. If a nicotine smoker burns through an average of six packs of smokes a week, that’s roughly $31 a week and $1,600 a year, well in line with an average mortgage payment or a modest vacation for a family of three.

The financial consequences of lighting up stretch far beyond the cost of a pack of cigarettes, says MSN. Smokers pay more for health insurance, which, in this economy and against a backdrop of rising health-care costs, that has to raise a big red flag for every traditional tobacco user out there. And, because smokers typically light up in their cars, they also lose money on the resale value of their cars. Ditto for their homes. And, MSN also maintains that more employers will be implementing testing to identify smokers who could be levied surcharges by their bosses in order to cover the higher health benefits.

So, what if you enjoy the art of smoking? The e-cig allows you to continue to light up but with far fewer health consequences to think about and, once you’ve paid for your initial starter products, you also can save a bundle.

What is the e-cig anyway? Well, to begin with, it looks, feels and smokes just like a real cigarette, but has none of the harmful substances found in real cigarettes. It emits a virtually odorless vapor that simulates actual smoke, but dissipates quickly in the air.

What makes it work? Simply put, the e-cig is a battery operated cigarette alternative that produces no fire and is safe to use just about anywhere. An e-cigarette does not contain the many thousands of toxic substances and harmful chemicals found in traditional, tobacco-based cigarettes that have been proven to cause heart attacks and various forms of cancer, such as nicotine, tar, carbon monoxide, acetone, sulfuric acid and more.

The e-cig does not emit second-hand smoke, making it possible to “light up” around non-smokers in confidence and without having to worry about causing ill effects.
So, what are the costs benefits? A typical e-cig starter kit, complete with battery chargers, heating vaporizer, and e-cig cartridges run close to $50. That’s roughly the cost of the tobacco cigarette expense noted above. But the batteries have an average life span of one year, and the only “replacement” components required once you’ve purchased the kit are the e-cig refill cartridges, which run an average of $4 for a pack of 5 and last about a month, and the heating element also known as the atomizer, which also lasts a month, depending on use.
Clearly, the combined savings and health benefits of making a switch from tobacco-based cigarettes are significant. In addition, the makers of most e-cigs also manufacture e-pipes and e-cigar products. These e-cig alternatives are not intended to stand in as a quick way to quit smoking. But if you consider the benefits of being able to save money, lower your risk of exposure to harmful and potentially lethal chemicals and other toxins, and avoid paying higher fees for things like health insurance, dry cleaning and dentistry (tobacco smokers are known to have more complicated dental issues as they age), the impetus for trying the e-cig and saying goodbye to nicotine cigarettes is hard to overlook.

Article Source : of E-cigs Aim to Provide Savings Alternatives for Traditional Tobacco Users and Lower Their _52691.aspx

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Keywords : Electronic Cigarette, Ecig, Electric Cigarette,

Category : Health and Fitness : Health and Fitness

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