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Name Meanings and Info Revealed Origin Usage and Meaning of Names From All Over the World

Posted On : Feb-15-2012 | seen (465) times | Article Word Count : 424 |

The meaning of names is often lost over centuries of cultural change, migration, and conversion. Many parents these days choose names based on popular trends or what they find pleasing to the ears
The meaning of names is often lost over centuries of cultural change, migration, and conversion. Many parents these days choose names based on popular trends or what they find pleasing to the ears, but most names come from rich traditions, representing specific nationalities, religions, ethnicities, and philosophies. Anyone who thinks about the concepts of identity and tradition is sure to find value in the study of name meanings because this information reflects the values and concerns of cultures.

Parents who are choosing names for babies often find that a bit of research helps them to find a name that is beautiful, meaningful, and culturally relevant. For instance, if you are trying to get in touch with your Celtic roots, you may want to study Celtic names for your baby that reflect concepts that are important to you – perseverance, charm, intelligence. You may choose to research Biblical names in order to name your child after a Biblical character who you find admirable. The right website can provide lists of name meanings, origins, and usages from all over the world, making it easier than ever to find just the right name.

Many people wonder, “what does my name mean?” This simple question can lead to a fascinating process of learning. Many people these days have lost touch with their cultural roots (through no fault of their own). When you study your name, you may be able to learn about the religions, origins, and history of your ancestors. This is particularly useful when combined with genealogical research, name research can be really enlightening. If your name is common in your family, there is probably a reason for that, and sometimes it is because the meaning of your name reflects values that were important to your ancestors. Whether you are involved in a serious journey of self-discovery or just curious, studying name meanings can be rewarding.

There are other reasons to study name meanings, including the choosing of names for pets or fictional characters for films, novels, and other creative works. Gift giving can be more creative as well when you study names, because you can find items that reflect the meaning of the recipient’s name. If a close friend’s name means “strength,” you might start giving him / her gifts that represent a noble animal that is known for its strength, like a bull or an elephant (depending upon the individual’s personality). The application of this knowledge is up to you, but it can open up a whole world of creative possibilities.

Article Source : Meanings and Info Revealed Origin Usage and Meaning of Names From All Over the World_150134.aspx

Author Resource :
The author is a university professor who has written many articles about culture, religion, and the meaning of names. He encourages people to ask “what does my name mean,” because name meanings can provide valuable insights into one’s personality, family traditions, and cultural identity.

Keywords : meaning of names, what does my name mean, name meanings,

Category : Home and Family : Home and Family

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