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Natural Anxiety and Stress Relief: Available Treatments

Posted On : Aug-11-2011 | seen (385) times | Article Word Count : 752 |

The thought of ingesting chemicals that have all sorts of unwanted and cumbersome side effects essentially eliminates the prospect of using prescription medication as a remedy for stress and anxiety.
Do you suffer from stress and anxiety?

If you, or a loved one, suffer from stress and anxiety, finding relief can be a stressor in and of itself. The thought of ingesting chemicals that have all sorts of unwanted and cumbersome side effects essentially eliminates the prospect of using prescription medication as a remedy for stress and anxiety. Many times these prescriptions will include a hefty price tag that absolutely removes the possibility of finding any benefit from their use, even if you were willing to withstand things like insomnia (or sleepiness, depending on how your body reacts), headaches, stomach upset and weight gain.

Are there alternatives to prescription anxiety and stress relief?

Let us consider that prescription remedies are not a viable remedy to stress and anxiety for many reasons. Are there other ways to alleviate your stress and anxiety in a logical, comfortable and affordable manner? We can explore a few things that may help and provide some relief from your stress and anxiety symptoms. But, first we should understand some of the main causes of the stress and anxiety that most people face on a regular basis. This means that just living our regular lives is stressful and can cause anxiety, regardless of any unforeseen issues and events that can be categorized as extreme stressors.

What are the typical causes of stress and anxiety?

It is a fact that, as humans, we come face to face with many typical as well as many atypical situations and events throughout the course of a day that cause the body to have a stress reaction. This stress reaction is a primal function of the body, and is characterized by a change in a person’s normal physiological and psychological functioning. For instance, imagine you are at a business meeting in which you are playing the role of a good employee, paying attention, and taking notes so that you have all the information you need for a later point in time. Suppose during this meeting someone calls on you to speak even though you have nothing prepared and no intentions of adding to the presentation at hand.

How does the body normally react to stress and anxiety?

A stressor can be explained as a change in the status quo. Let’s continue the scenario as it is outlined above – imagine you are called on to speak at a business meeting and you are not prepared. Your body reacts to the situation (your environmental change) by possibly flushing your cheeks and breaking out in a sweat as your heart starts to race. Your chest could get a feeling of tightness that we typically attribute to a symptom of anxiety. However, these reactions are the body’s way of rising to the challenge of the situation.

What can you do to manage stress and anxiety without prescription drugs?

There are many home remedies that a person could try and there are also natural supplements that a person could take, without the side effects that are typically associated with using prescription remedies for stress and anxiety. Here are some examples of home remedies:

1. Soak a washcloth in cold water, wring it out so that it is no longer dripping and apply it to your forehead
2. Make a paste using dry ginger with a little water or warm milk and apply it to your forehead
3. Lay in a dark room and take a short nap for about 30 minutes

Other ways to manage stress and anxiety without using prescription drugs.

Unfortunately, the remedies discussed above are not always practical, especially if a person’s bout with stress and anxiety occurs outside their home such as at work or while out shopping or at a social engagement like dinner with friends or a birthday party. In that case, taking a natural supplement is a convenient way to get relief without all the unnatural and often debilitating side effects of prescription drugs that are generated using manmade chemicals. There are natural herbs and vitamins, such as St. John’s Wort, L-Theanine, B Complex Vitamins, Passion Flower Extract and Bioperine that can be taken as a supplement in the form of a pill, just like a regular multivitamin. Ideally, a natural supplement that includes all of these ingredients in the right proportion would be the best choice for stress and anxiety relief.

Article Source : Anxiety and Stress Relief: Available Treatments_73033.aspx

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Get advice & tips to eliminate your stress & anxiety. Ceryn-7 provides effective nutriceutical products and ongoing education for anxiety relief & stress relief. Read Dr. Jenna Flowers reviews on Ceryn-7’s anxiety and stress relief products.

Keywords : anxiety, stress, anxiety relief, stress relief, anxiety relief treatment, stress relief treatment, stress and anxiety,

Category : Health and Fitness : Medicine

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