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Online Ordering - How Premium Images and Less Words Can Help You Hook More Customers

Posted On : Nov-06-2014 | seen (1245) times | Article Word Count : 702 |

Perhaps your number one concern as a restaurant owner is to keep your customers happy. And today, with such rapid advancements in technology taking place every day, the best way to do that is to give your customers plenty of ways to purchase and learn about your products.
Perhaps your most important concern as a restaurant owner is to keep your customers happy and hungry. With such rapid advancements in technology taking place continually, the best way to do that is to give your customers plenty of ways to connect with your brand, as well as learn more about, and purchase, your products. From a technological standpoint, implementing an online ordering system can be a great place to start. But doing so might not be the answer to all your concerns. In this article, we're going to talk about the importance of delivering high-quality menu content to your customers; and how doing so will help keep them hungry and coming back for more. We'll talk some about the importance of imagery, in addition to how using less wordage in your item descriptions can mean quicker check-out times and increased profits.

These days, there's no "safe way" to please your customers. Smart business owners are always on the cutting edge of customer service, and looking for new and smarter ways to reach those customers. Staying on your toes by constantly asking for customer feedback and acting quickly when there's a customer request or concern, is always important. Knowing how your customers' behavior, along with what they're willing to pay for your products, is a learned art, not a science, and should be treated as one. Of course, these are considered basic concepts of customer service, however, they can play a huge role in creating an online menu that will help you stand out from your competition and keep your customers coming back for more.

But what about the content? Just like with your website, or social networking outreach, creating premium content within your menu can be the difference between providing your customers with the bare essentials, and going above and beyond to keep them happy. A thoroughly thought out menu, with a minimal amount of words, and plenty of tasty-looking images, keeps your customers hungry, and can ensure your menu isn't bloated, or, on the opposite end of the spectrum, too diluted. Instead of confusing and frustrating your customers, you'll be placing yourself right in the "sweet spot" in regards to what a proper menu should be, and how it should be used to "hook" potential customers.

Think about this: When you walk in to a restaurant, you sit down, and you're given a menu to look over while your server prepares to greet you. As soon as you open the menu, what's the first thing you typically notice? Is it the fine print? Or maybe the item descriptions? No? What about the prices, is that what you notice first? If you're like me — and like most people — it's none of the above. If the menu you're looking at has even one food-related image, chances are, that's where you're eyes are going to travel first. The descriptions, prices and "fine print" are all secondary to the visual aspect of your menu — the images. Which is why I've never quite understood how some restaurants may not even include a single image on their menu. Content is king after all. Don't avoid images of your food. But at the same time, be careful; snapping photos with your smartphone without considering lighting and presentation can be a huge mistake that actually deters your customers from ordering your food and ends up workin
against you.

The important of implementing an online ordering system in to your website or app is always something you should consider as a restaurant owner. However, going a step above, and ensuring the content displayed on your menu is premium, as should be your website, will help you stand out from your competition and impress your customers. Of course, the opposite can be said about a poorly thought-out menu with low-quality images — or no images at all — and lengthy descriptions. So before you move forward with an online ordering system, consider the content within your current menu, and determine if there's anything you can do to make it more appealing to those who will be ordering from it. If you don't, you could be losing profits and potential customers.

Article Source : Ordering - How Premium Images and Less Words Can Help You Hook More Customers_306743.aspx

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If you would like to know more about Online ordering sites for restaurants and how they can help your restaurant connect with your customers and increase your bottom line, contact Teburu by visiting our website at

Keywords : Online ordering sites,

Category : Computers : Software

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