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Some Great Tips on Spring Cleaning Services in London

Posted On : Dec-01-2011 | seen (291) times | Article Word Count : 551 |

Cleaner London provides friendly and professional carpet cleaning to all parts of London and offer professional and trained cleaners with at affordable rates.
There is an old poem which in one variant starts “spring is sprung, the grass is riz, I wonder where the birdies is...”After the coldest winter in 30 years, we are all very glad that spring is here at last. Of course, with the spring comes the sunshine and whilst we bask in its newly rediscovered warmth, we can’t help noticing that windows are a little grubby and really the whole place could do with a spring clean.

Ah yes, spring, that magical time when our bodies crave being out of doors and our minds enslave us to cleaning our homes from top to bottom.There are in fact very good and practical reasons why a spring clean is not only nice to have but extremely beneficial for our health.In winter we tend to retreat to our houses.With doors and windows tight shut and the heating on, it only takes a small amount of moisture in the atmosphere from cooking or showering for mould to start growing.

Whilst some people can tolerate mould spores, others, particularly the young and the elderly and those with weak immune systems can react badly to inhaling mould spores.For them mould can cause allergic reactions or breathing problems.A good spring clean will lessen the problem and help the house to repair itself over the summer months.To stop the problem re-occurring next winter consider installing a de-humidifier or making sure that there is adequate ventilation or extractor vents in kitchens and bathrooms.

Whilst Spring is a time of joy for most, for hay fever sufferers it represents the calm before the storm. When you spring clean it is very important that you open as many doors and windows as you safely can to allow the air to sweep through and carry off the dust that you will stir up.If you do suffer from hay fever, tackle your spring cleaning as early as possible by getting in touch with cleaning services in London, before the pollen count rises.

Proper spring cleaning is not just a case of tidying up.If you have pets then there is a chance of fleas.Flea eggs can lie dormant for months, waiting for the temperature to rise.A good deep carpet clean will eliminate the eggs and lessen the chance of a flea epidemic.It will also reduce dust mites that live in carpets and can cause asthma.While you are cleaning the carpets, take the time to go over your curtains and chairs as well.Dust can get trapped within the fabric and a good clean will leave the room feeling fresher.

When cleaning the bedrooms, don’t forget to vacuum the mattresses. To keep mattresses fresh, it is generally recommended that they are turned at least once a month and vacuumed every six months.Finally, give all your cupboards a good clean inside and out, wipe down paintwork and shelves and you are done.

The sun is streaming in through clear windows, your home smells fresh and your spirits have lifted at the thought of a cleaner healthier house and the prospect of a long summer to come. Get in touch with a cleaning services London company to get all your cleaning done by them if this job seems to be too much for you to handle on your own!

Article Source : Great Tips on Spring Cleaning Services in London_112599.aspx

Author Resource :
Cleaner London offers professional carpet cleaning in London. Our service team is fully equipped to provide all kinds of Home, Upholstery and Commercial Cleaning. A cleaning services London company to get all your cleaning done by them if this job seems to be too much for you to handle on your own.

Keywords : cleaning London, cleaning In London, domestic cleaning, contract cleaning, domestic cleaning service, cleaning carpet London,

Category : Home and Family : Home Improvement

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