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Some exercises for self-healing

Posted On : Dec-01-2011 | seen (2868) times | Article Word Count : 685 |

The various self-healing methods and techniques have a fundamental philosophy behind them, and that is - if we put our bodies and minds to good use, we can overcome and cure of a disease.
The various self-healing methods and techniques have a fundamental philosophy behind them, and that is - if we put our bodies and minds to good use, we can overcome and cure of a disease. The self-healing methods are based on the concept that our body and mind to function properly and stay healthy as long as we want, through our own efforts are based. However, if you look at the actual results of some of the self-healing techniques, they have mixed in the past. When they are amateur in nature or can not be expected that one hundred percent effectiveness and accuracy of them. Nevertheless, when put into practice to help them in any case, a person to feel relaxed and stress free, healthy and even cure of diseases in some cases!

Breathing exercises for self-healing

Deep Breathing

Deep breathing, ie, slow, deep breaths through the nose, followed up the air in the stomach and then the expansion of the chest, by exhaling slowly through your nose, is a very effective and relaxing breathing technique. This exercise should be conducted on the breath and closed both eyes with full concentration. About ten repetitions of this deep breathing technique per day are more than enough to be a lot of health benefits. Through deep breathing, large amounts of oxygen in the body is so immensely relaxing a person in the process.

Anuloma Viloma (Alternate nasal breathing)

This self-healing technique is known that both the right and left hemispheres of the brain, thus improving balance and mental and physical health of the practitioner. To this yoga exercise, close your right nostril with your thumb and exhale through the left nostril. Next, with your little finger and one next to him, close the left nostril as well. Hold your breathuntil the number of sixteen. In the end inhale through the right nostril, while he continues to the left nostril closed with your fingers. Repeat the breathing in the same three steps, this time starting from the right nostril and hold your left nostril closed. Ten to twelve repetitions of this self-healing technique should be performed every day for maximum health benefits.

Meditation Techniques for Self-Healing

Daily Meditation

Meditate daily aids in self-healing powers, as there is a person full control over his feelings, emotions and thoughts. By meditating every day, you can significantly reduce stress, which otherwise lead to many lifestyle diseases such as cancer, autoimmune diseases and heart diseases. Meditation is also known to lower blood pressure and improve immunity. Some of the other benefits of meditation are - there are emotional balance, improves concentration and makes a person mentally stronger. An easy way to meditate daily, is in a relaxed position on the floor, sit with your eyes closed. Then stop thinking about what is going on around you or in your life. Instead of focusing on your breathing. Concentrate on how you take in air through the nose, fills as your intestines and then as you exhale it. Continue with this "no thought" self-healing technique for about 10 minutes. Make it a habit and practice every day for best results.

Creative Visualization

This is a fun meditation technique of self-healing forces, created by a person visually and shows what he wants in his life. One of the ways to get creative visualization is the practice, to meditate and visualize all the things you want and the goals that you achieve in this life. For example, if your goal in lifefor their own farm, you actually meditate and visualize themselves as farm owners who live there, work there and enjoy the scenery. Another method of creative visualization is through fear and resistance. In this method, you put all your energy into something you do not want to happen. For example, if you are stubborn and do not want to be more, feed you all your energy on getting more flexible and in the prevention of stubbornness. Equally, there are many other possibilities, creative visualization practice, so learn all this and go in the direction of self-healing.

Article Source : exercises for self-healing_112799.aspx

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