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Tips When Moving Your Website to a New Server

Posted On : Aug-09-2011 | seen (511) times | Article Word Count : 549 |

There are various reasons that make you determined to move your website to a new web host. You can simply find a much cheaper solution for your website. Or, you are not satisfied with your current host for different reasons, or your website grow to the point that your current provider can not meet your requirements.
There are various reasons that make you determined to move your website to a new web host. You can simply find a much cheaper solution for your website. Or, you are not satisfied with your current host for different reasons, or your website grow to the point that your current provider can not meet your requirements. Whatever the reasons are, you need to switch your provider. Here are some steps and tips to transfer your website safely.

Backing up your files

Website is made ​​up of your precious different files. You must ensure you have saved all these files before taking any action. Just with your FTP account, you may copy files from your old host to a safe location on your local PC or on a remote location (ie. offsite server). Note: If your website consists of dynamic content, backing up your database is a good move. It is very easy to accomplish this, first log into the Cpanel, then in the backup option select "Download a MySQL database backup." That's it!

Changing domain name server

Once you have purchased or leased a new server for your site, you will be provided with the URL for the digital primary name and the name of the secondary service in the form of and . Then you should contact your web hosting provider and ask them to update the DNS information for your site. This is known as DNS propagation and it may take up to 24 to 72 hours to fully propagate DNS. You can check the results by any using any Whois Lookup tool.

Sending files to new server

After confirming that your domain name was transferred properly, it is time to load all your website files to your new web server. You must make some changes and update some of your websites. For example, password protection inactive, check the CGI / PHP, etc. Keep in mind that you will set up related services, such as email accounts.

Testing your website on the new web server

You must make sure that your website is working well on your new server. Once you are sure that your website is functioning properly on your new web server you can cancel your previous hosting account.

Useful Tips:

For most online business owners moving a website at another web host is a very challenging task. I am providing some tips that will help you in such situation.

a) If you use a forum or any other type of dynamic component to your website, I would suggest that you close your old website completely during the DNS propagation process or it will become hard for you to save your website.
b) Move your website in low traffic hours, when there is low traffic on your website. Never move your website in peak hours.
d) Never cancel your old web hosting account until you are sure about the proper functioning of your website at new web host server.

Finally, I hope you will enjoy your new home for your website. If you are shopping for new server for your site, choose a reliable web hosting company providing robust and affordable solution with user-friendly control panel and integrated e-commerce shopping carts.

Article Source : When Moving Your Website to a New Server_72476.aspx

Author Resource :
Mac Wilson is a marketing professional who likes to keep others updated about emerging technologies in the UK Web Hosting and Dedicated Hosting industry.

Keywords : uk web hosting, dedicated hosting, web server,

Category : Internet Business : Web Hosting

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