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425 Boardman Avenue, Suite C Traverse City, MI

Yoga: One Part Does Not Make A Whole

Posted On : Sep-28-2011 | seen (347) times | Article Word Count : 535 |

Remember, we are principally physical bodies living in a Non secular World.
Indeed if somebody were to assert they believed Yoga was just stretching after they saw a student leave a Yoga class and later on eating at McDonald's or something, they almost certainly would be right.

Why? Well, Yoga, in its totality, has a correct diet. One does not exist without the other. This is THE factor that anybody seriously curious about taking up Yoga must grasp. If one wants to do Yoga, you need to include all its beliefs.

When I started to do yoga some six years ago, I did intensive research on the topic of diet and Yoga. Maybe this was destiny, as co-incidentally, this was round the time that an associate had instructed me to look into fasting and a natural diet as a method to cure my horrible acne at that point. I stumbled over a book called "The Complete Illustrated book of Yoga" by Swami Vishnu-Devananda, and this had an entire chapter on diet.

What he explained here made it obvious that as favorable as most- if not all- yoga poses might be for general fitness, if one consistently subsists on processed foods, it defeats the point of exercising in the first instance. This is maybe far more critical with regard to Yoga.

This has roots in one's solar plexus and forms the root of the Kundalini or life-force power embedded in all humans.

Remember, we are principally physical bodies living in a Non secular World. Now keep that point under consideration as I carry on to remind you about this quote and famous cosmic law: "You are what you eat." Now, mix the crux of both factors and you need to begin to see the linkage between how what you eat matters to your complete existence - physically and spiritually.

When you start to seriously practice Yoga, it is suggested that you also start to watch what you eat. All of the sages and forerunners of Yoga like Swami Sivananda, Swami Vishnu-Devananda and BKS Iyengar have all attested to this fact.

Additionally here is another quote that supports his comment "Without observing moderation of diet, if one takes to the Yogic practices, he can't get any benefit but gets diverse diseases" ( Ghe. Sam. V-16 ). Yoga has an harmful effect on yours and the non-secular forces around you, therefore eating what yoga sages coin as the Sattvic Diet ( which co-incidentally is the mucus / illness free or alkaline diet of the choice health brotherhood ) will be the simplest way to go.

This is the Yoga diet and this needs to be included in your way of life if you seriously wish to practice Yoga. I have read of one or two raw-vegan or vegetarian body-builders like Stephen Arlin, David Wolfe, Scott Brodie and Bill Pearl ( A 4-time Mr. Universe contest winner ) who do particularly well on an analogous diet, so one will be on the proper track eating as such and selecting any exercise they desire. Your chum in the mirror will give you thanks that you probably did. Trust me In Closeness, Foras Aje.

Article Source : One Part Does Not Make A Whole_86417.aspx

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Spirituality and Health Magazine - We report on the people, the practices, and the ideas of the current spiritual renaissance. Spirituality Health is open to all points of view on spiritual questions, drawing on the world's wisdom traditions as well as science.

Keywords : z, spiritual living, spirituality magazines, spirituality books, spirituality blogs, health and spirituality, spiritual magaz,

Category : Health and Fitness : Alternative Medicine

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