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Madrid Escorts: Better than your girlfriends

Posted On : Dec-03-2010 | seen (647) times | Article Word Count : 657 |

The Article tells that to men that if they are looking for short term/ non commitment relationship, hiring an Escort girl is better than making girlfriends.
Hey you! Yes you, who is considering a short-term affair or a one-night stand just to spice up things a bit or add variety to sex life or simply to relieve boredom?
Our advice is do NOT mess up your relationships because of sex. If it is a spiced up sex life you want, then we have a better solution, which is easier to handle, manage, and afford. Avail services of an escort agency in Madrid.
Being with a Madrid escort is better than going for a girlfriend because:
• For total pleasure: When you hire an escort, you can just expect entertainment and pleasure. Escorts are only interested in entertaining you for the time you hire them. They will not demand flowers, or words, or poetry, or feeling from you. Their payment is decided, venue is decided, and what forms of services you want them to provide, that is also decided.

• For safety: When you go out with a girlfriend while you are in another relationship, you cannot ensure that you will not be noticed by someone who knows you. Escorts are very professional. If you want to keep clandestine meetings with them, then they will ensure to book venues where your privacy is guarded.

• For avoiding regular dating headache: Even if a woman is a temporary, short-term girlfriend, she will have some expectations with respect to your time, attention, money, gifts, going out. What pleasure can you expect if you end up logistically calculating and planning meetings with your girlfriend so that your other partner does not find out? Avoid all this hassle and enjoy a smooth timeout with an escort, who will not demand or expect anything more than her regular fee.

• For precaution: Remember Tiger Woods? How did his bubble burst? His wife found out from a text message sent by his mistress. If you get another girlfriend or mistress, no matter how smart she is, she will send text messages to you. You just cannot keep your phones away from the clutches of your wives. They are bound to find out sooner or later. So avoid being in Tiger Woods’ position and hire a hassle-free escort, who surely will not be texting you at inappropriate times.

• For money saving: Christmas, birthday, Valentine’s day – everything becomes a mess if you bring a mistress into the picture. You buy a necklace for your wife on Valentine’s day, then you have to buy one for your mistress; otherwise you will never hear the end of it. So avoid these types of situation and hire an escort. This will also keep you wife from finding out about your other life if she inadvertently sees a credit card receipt for 2 diamond necklaces.

• For instant gratification: When you hire an escort, you can rest assured that a gorgeous woman will be at the decided venue to serve all your needs. But with a girlfriend or an escort, you cannot guarantee that as she might be busy elsewhere.

• For simple life: When you hire an escort, you just need to produce your credit card once for her charge. You are not expected to play a generous lover role, like with a girlfriend, to be in her good grace.

• For easy breakups: If you are not happy with the services of an escort, you can easily cut short your date. She wil understand. But with a girlfriend, it is not a smooth ride. Imagine the tantrums, drama, tears, and in the end you will feel miserable.

• For saving your marriage: Finally, hiring an escort is a safer bet than going for a girlfriend if you want to save your marriage. There is no need to rock the boat for a few hours of diversion and entertainment. So be wise and prudent and hire an escort, instead of going through all the hassle of getting a girlfriend.

Article Source : Escorts: Better than your girlfriends_43863.aspx

Author Resource :
Author is a promoter of Escort Madrid. Check out the profile of Escorts Madrid from here.

Keywords : Relationship, Dating, Escorts, Society, Sexuality,

Category : Society : Dating

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