Jessica Godines's Article in Health and Fitness

529 Urinary Tract Infection Symptoms
Knowing the urinary tract infection symptoms will allow you to get better relief and resolve the issues before your UTI becomes a serious health risk. You’ll need to check the symptoms of a urinary tract infection and determine whether you have them or not.
Posted on Aug-27-2012

528 Urinary Tract Infection Information
If you have ever had a urinary tract infection, you know how painful it can be. Urinary tract infection in women is a lot more common than it is in men. Women have a shorter urethra and it is much more accessible to bacteria, which is why this occurs.
Posted on Aug-27-2012

1344 Symptoms of Candida Infection
When you are dealing with symptoms of Candida yeast infection, it can be hard to find relief. Candida symptoms in women are generally the same. Some of the most common symptoms include pain or burning during urination, etc.
Posted on Aug-26-2012

542 Signs of Urinary Tract Infection
If you are exhibiting signs of urinary tract infection, you can usually find natural remedies that will help you get relief. Make sure that you learn all about the different options that you have for alleviating your pain and curing the infection at the source.
Posted on Aug-24-2012

553 Candida Remedies - Natural And Home Remedies
Take the time to learn more about Candida remedies and solutions that you can find to get the relief that you deserve. Some people prefer Candida home remedies, which can include many cleansing methods or dietary changes.
Posted on Aug-24-2012