Pat Dowling's Article in Religion

541 Choosing Religious Life – Combining Faith & Service
This is the last in a series of three articles on “Finding Your Purpose in Life”. Article one, “Discovering Your Gifts” explored personal prayer and opening your heart to listen to God, letting go of your need to control. Article two, “Finding Your Passion” encouraged you to reflect on your personal gifts and to discover your uniqueness in God’s eyes.
Posted on Jul-19-2010

408 Tap into your Life’s Purpose: Discovering your spiritual gifts in a changing world
Living the word of God each day by using your spiritual gifts and passion for your faith is a challenging but remarkable way of life. Letting God truly take over the reigns of your life is a process that ultimately enriches the well being of those whose lives you touch and brings joy to your soul and life.
Posted on May-13-2010