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Featured Articles

Maximizing Your Weight Loss Journey with a Medical Program
If you're considering a medical weight loss program to help you reach your weight loss goals, there are a few key steps you can take to ensure you maximize your journey. A medical weight loss plan allows you to focus on both nutrition and exercise for the best possible results. read more...
By Gagan Dang | Apr-28-2023

Is Semaglutide Injection the Right Weight Loss Solution for You?
Are you looking for a new way to lose weight? Semaglutide injection for weight loss may be the solution you’re looking for. Semaglutide injection is a new weight loss treatment that has been gaining a lot of attention in recent years. It works by suppressing appetite, reducing hunger, and promoting feelings of fullness. read more...
By Gagan Dang | Apr-28-2023

Benefits of Semaglutide Injection for Medical Weight Loss
Semaglutide injection, originally developed as a treatment for type 2 diabetes, has recently been approved for use in medical weight loss in non-diabetic individuals. This medication can provide a range of benefits for individuals who are struggling with excess weight and associated health problems. read more...
By Gagan Dang | Apr-28-2023

How Poor Oral Health can Affect Your Overall Health
Oral health is often seen as separate from overall health, but in reality, the two are closely linked. Poor oral health can contribute to a range of health problems, from gum disease to heart disease, and maintaining good oral hygiene is an important part of staying healthy overall. read more...
By Dr Frank Meshkani | Apr-12-2023

The Link between Oral Health and Overall Health: What You Need to Know
Oral health is often seen as separate from overall health, but in reality, the two are closely linked. Poor oral health can contribute to a range of health problems, from gum disease to heart disease, and maintaining good oral hygiene is an important part of staying healthy overall. read more...
By Dr Frank Meshkani | Apr-12-2023

563 Stop Bad Breath Quickly and Bad Breath Treatment
Bad breath is breath that has an unpleasant odor. It's also known as halitosis. This odor can happen from time to time, or it can be long permanent, depending on the cause. Millions of bacteria live in the mouth, particularly on the back of the tongue. In many people, they are the primary causes of bad breath. read more...
By Dr. Lee Mikal | Mar-31-2010

921 San Diego Physical Therapy – Great Options for Recovery and for Maintaining Health
When looking for a physical therapist in San Diego, you’re going to want to decide what kind of physical therapy is best for you. read more...
By Dr. Vanessa Jackson | Mar-31-2010

808 Bowen Technique and How it Works
Bowen Technique is a form of touch therapy that has a number of applications that can see it as an effective treatment for a wide range of conditions. In this article we will look at how Bowen Technique was developed, what it is, how it works and some of the conditions it has been seen to help. read more...
By Mercedes Aspland | Mar-31-2010

829 Kyani --- Best health supplement
Kyani is a health product based on wild blueberries. It is best health supplement because of Kyani contain more disease-fighting antioxidants than any other fruit. You can find Kyani products like Kyani Sunrise, Kyani Sunset, and Nitro FX find at read more...
By Monica Geller | Mar-31-2010

905 San Diego Physical Therapy – Finding Help Locally
In a growing city with a diverse population like San Diego, there are many reasons to look for a physical therapist you can count on. If you are either recovering from injury or looking to maintain your good health, rest assured there is a San Diego physical therapist who can meet your needs. read more...
By Dr. Vanessa Jackson | Mar-31-2010

750 Biofeedback to help with Emotional Health
Biofeedback is a relatively new alternative therapy however it is gaining a lot of interest particularly in the field of emotional health. In this article we will give a brief overview of what biofeedback is and also how it can help with emotional issues such as stress, anxiety, panic attacks and ADHD. read more...
By Mercedes Aspland | Mar-31-2010

728 Erectile Dysfunction and The Magic Gun
Most men dream of having a magic gun - one that rises to any occasion, is ready for instant action any time they want to use it, whose aim is true and can be sure to fire not just once, but if needed, several times. read more...
By Dr Malcolm Carruthers | Mar-31-2010

667 Beautiful Invicta Watches for Women
Invicta watches – known for combining fine Swiss timekeeping with cutting-edge, signature styling for men – also offer some striking models for women. Naturally smaller than the men’s models. read more...
By shakker | Mar-31-2010

613 Testosterone: Hormone of Kings King of Hormones
The hormone testosterone brings us into being. It regulates the sex drive in both men and women, it develops the male sexual characteristics such as dominance, drive, assertiveness, strength, body shape, hairiness read more...
By Dr Malcolm Carruthers | Mar-30-2010

635 Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT)
TRT can be given in the form of injections, pills, pellets and patches. The decision who to treat, with which preparation in what doses, and for how long, must rest with the individual physician, as part of a joint and informed venture with the patient. read more...
By Dr Malcolm Carruthers | Mar-30-2010

686 Things You Have Always Wanted to Know About Water Bottles
There are many claims and concerns about water bottles; whether there are safe, do they pose health anxieties and which ones are the best. Let us look at some of the things about these containers. read more...
By Amin Ramjee | Mar-30-2010

638 The Male Menopause or Andropause
What's in a name? Well, in the case of the Male Menopause, a lot. It is probably one of the main reasons why the condition has failed to achieve the recognition it deserves. It is the joke disorder that is no joke. read more...
By Dr Malcolm Carruthers | Mar-30-2010

675 What are the 12 Biochemic Tissue Salts?
Biochemic Tissue Salts are an alternative therapy that is available to a large number of people. In this article we will consider briefly what biochemic tissue salts are and then look at the 12 that are used to treat people. read more...
By Mercedes Aspland | Mar-30-2010

672 The Nutritional Supplement Sun Chlorella A
There is a new supplement Sun Chlorella A that a lot of people have started talking about but why? In this article we will answer that question and also let you know just what Sun Chlorella A is and why you might want to choose it over other supplements available. read more...
By Mercedes Aspland | Mar-30-2010

673 Gather accurate knowledge about drug test and its clearing
Take advice from Test Clear Drug Testing Advisor for more updates about drug tests. read more...
By Flaming777 | Mar-30-2010

527 Fitness Supplements Can Help You Be In Shape
It has become really difficult to maintain a strict diet schedule. Due to work pressure, we often neglect taking meals at proper time, thus leading to several health problems. read more...
By Adam Smith | Mar-30-2010

698 How to Maintain your Trampoline
Your trampoline is a major investment and I’m sure keeping it maintained for years to come is one of your main concerns. Make sure the trampoline you buy is fully galvanized outside as well as inside. read more...
By Monica Geller | Mar-30-2010

550 Childhood Sleep Apnea Can Lead to More Issues
Sleeping is a unique phase of our existence. And yet approximately one third of our population has a sleep disorder of some kind. Snoring and sleep apnea are common sleep disorders, but not ones that should be taken lightly. read more...
By Nick Meyer | Mar-30-2010

466 Fitness Products and Supplements: Find The Right One!
Obesity is one of the greatest health threats. Many people across the world are suffering from different types of problems for being obese. They are eager to know how to lose weight. read more...
By Adam Smith | Mar-30-2010

1016 Study in Costa Rica to learn yoga, Spanish and more
Are you thinking of taking off to a yoga school in Costa Rica? Beautiful Costa Rica is the cream of the crop of educational destinations. It's a wonderful place to visit and a great place learn Yoga. read more...
By Richard James | Mar-30-2010

622 Corporate drug testing is the gateway to enter a corporate house
You can not trust any ordinary product to help you to clear a drug test. Test Clear is the product with mark. read more...
By Flaming777 | Mar-29-2010

472 Fast Weight Loss and Natural Treatment of Weight Loss
Your weight is a complementary act, and calories are part of that equation. Fad diets may promise you that including carbs or eating a ton of grapefruit will make the pound drop off. But when it comes to weight loss, it's calories that count. Weight loss comes down to ablaze more calories that you take in. read more...
By Dr. Lee Mikal | Mar-29-2010

416 Best Hair Vitamins and Natural Hair Growth Vitamins
Does what you eat really have an effect on how well your hair grows? It certainly does. Healthy hair growth requires a wide variety of vitamins. Your hair reflects the general state of your health. If you're too busy to eat a healthy diet, and you have lots of stress in your life, your hair will show it. read more...
By Dr. Lee Mikal | Mar-29-2010

360 Heavy Uterine Bleeding and Beneficial Remedies for Menstruation
The inside of the uterus has two layers. The thin inner layer is called the endometrium. The thick outer layer is the myometrium (myo = muscle). In women who menstruate, the endometrium thickens every month in preparation for pregnancy. read more...
By Dr. Lee Mikal | Mar-29-2010

388 Colon Support and Natural Remedies for Constipation
Colon Support is a 100% natural herbal remedy. It is an outstanding formula for all types of colon disorder such as irritable bowel syndrome, bloat with cramps and inflammation, extreme gas and constipation. This remedy helps symptoms of colon disorder and balances their root causes by restoring digestive heat and energy. read more...
By Dr. Lee Mikal | Mar-29-2010