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Maximizing Your Weight Loss Journey with a Medical Program
If you're considering a medical weight loss program to help you reach your weight loss goals, there are a few key steps you can take to ensure you maximize your journey. A medical weight loss plan allows you to focus on both nutrition and exercise for the best possible results. read more...
By Gagan Dang | Apr-28-2023

Is Semaglutide Injection the Right Weight Loss Solution for You?
Are you looking for a new way to lose weight? Semaglutide injection for weight loss may be the solution you’re looking for. Semaglutide injection is a new weight loss treatment that has been gaining a lot of attention in recent years. It works by suppressing appetite, reducing hunger, and promoting feelings of fullness. read more...
By Gagan Dang | Apr-28-2023

Benefits of Semaglutide Injection for Medical Weight Loss
Semaglutide injection, originally developed as a treatment for type 2 diabetes, has recently been approved for use in medical weight loss in non-diabetic individuals. This medication can provide a range of benefits for individuals who are struggling with excess weight and associated health problems. read more...
By Gagan Dang | Apr-28-2023

How Poor Oral Health can Affect Your Overall Health
Oral health is often seen as separate from overall health, but in reality, the two are closely linked. Poor oral health can contribute to a range of health problems, from gum disease to heart disease, and maintaining good oral hygiene is an important part of staying healthy overall. read more...
By Dr Frank Meshkani | Apr-12-2023

The Link between Oral Health and Overall Health: What You Need to Know
Oral health is often seen as separate from overall health, but in reality, the two are closely linked. Poor oral health can contribute to a range of health problems, from gum disease to heart disease, and maintaining good oral hygiene is an important part of staying healthy overall. read more...
By Dr Frank Meshkani | Apr-12-2023

1109 Post Bariatric Nutrition
After bariatric surgery and its short recovery stage, most patients begin to feel a big difference after only a couple of weeks. The key to your success is not just the surgery itself, for that's only the commencement of your journey. Your success depends on your ability provide your body all the nutrients it needs while you shack your excess weight and then maintain good health when you reach your goal weight. read more...
By Manseo | Aug-24-2009

850 Know More About Expedite Patient Recovery
The method comprising the steps of: providing an audio player means, providing a recording which can be played by said audio player means, said recording including sounds conducive to causing patient relaxation, and playing said recording by said audio player means so as to cause said sounds to be heard by said predetermined patient and to contribute to relaxation of said patient. read more...
By Manseo | Aug-24-2009

808 It is a Good Thought - Pregnancy after Bariatric Surgery
One of the many reasons women are turning to bariatric surgery for weight loss is the difficulty in becoming pregnant. Too often, the excess fat interferes with the metabolic system and the design makes it difficult, if not impossible. read more...
By Manseo | Aug-24-2009

843 Drug Addiction Symptoms and Signs
What are the symptoms and signs of drug addiction? When do you cross the line of being an occasional drug user to becoming a full-blown addict? The answer is not just about how much is consumed, but rather on the effects of drug abuse. read more...
By Crystal Smith | Aug-24-2009

584 So you want your body to look like Arnold’s?
Perhaps no one has single-handedly made bodybuilding as popular as it is today than Arnold Schwarzenegger. He became Mr. Universe in 1969 and was among the most favorite of all titlists in this most prestigious bodybuilding contest. read more...
By Michael Smythe | Aug-21-2009

601 Some Mistakes to Avoid in Bodybuilding
Arguably the most common mistake you can make is not having a diet regimen of the essential nutrients and calories that support muscle bulk build-up, this can easily defeat any bodybuilding workout. read more...
By Michael Smythe | Aug-21-2009

528 Prepare to Build the Body to Die for
Serious bodybuilding is more than just a sport. It’s a mindset anchored on a determined will power to get that body you want. And it’s a disciplined lifestyle that adheres to the rigors of a strict diet structure, a workout regimen and relaxation plan. read more...
By Michael Smythe | Aug-21-2009

919 Planning to Use Steroids to Boost Body Mass? Think Again
Now if you as a budding athlete aspire to be a champion in the sport you’ve chosen, taking in steroids for their promise of boosting performance doesn’t seem to pay off when the risk of being stripped of your crown becomes a reality right after the contest. read more...
By Michael Smythe | Aug-21-2009

574 Modern Steroids had it roots on Bodybuilders (weightlifters to be precise)
Has anyone ever wondered when and how steroids got into the sporting world? It’s interesting to know that steroids were first discovered to have a profound improvement on weightlifters in the mid 1950s. From no other than the Soviets. read more...
By Michael Smythe | Aug-21-2009

594 Even Busy Executives Can Go Bodybuilding
There’s often this misconception that bodybuilding cannot succeed unless you dedicated 100% of yourself to achieving the ideal body you want. That often requires a lifestyle centered on a training regimen to the near exclusion of just about everything else. The body becomes the goal and the focus. read more...
By Michael Smythe | Aug-21-2009

622 Don’t Forget This When Embarking on Bodybuilding
In your eagerness to jumpstart a bodybuilding routine, you might end up distressed, discouraged, or at worst, hospitalized. Teenagers who what to attract girls on a visit to the beach or a swimming pool can be among those eager to get into shape with the muscles to show off. read more...
By Michael Smythe | Aug-21-2009

605 California’s Governor was a Former Mr. Universe
This is perhaps common knowledge. Arnold Schwarzenegger bagged the title in 1969 and won various professional bodybuilding titles like the prestigious Mr. Olympia until he retired in 1975 and pursued a career in Hollywood. read more...
By Michael Smythe | Aug-21-2009

913 Bodybuilding is a 20th Century Phenomenon
It’s interesting to note that there were no formal bodybuilders as we know them to be prior to the late 19th century. The phrase probably did not even exist prior to that. Though it must have routinely existed for soldiers throughout the ages when you see Roman gladiators and muscled infantry men in Sparta, assuming the movie “300” has any claim to accuracy. read more...
By Michael Smythe | Aug-21-2009

915 Bodybuilding, a Necessity for 21st America
If you can get back in time and see how the shapely muscled men of the past developed their muscles you could be in for some surprises. There were no workout gyms then, no fitness or heath instructors to supervise a bodybuilding regimen. read more...
By Michael Smythe | Aug-21-2009

1898 Oxycontin Addiction Symptoms and Signs
Oxycontin is the brand name of one of the most powerful pain killers available today. Usually prescribed for cancer patients and people with chronic pain problems, Oxycontin is a synthetic opiate (opioid), whose main active ingredient is oxycodone. Like morphine, Oxycontin has mood altering effects. Specifically, it can reduce anxiety, encourage mental relaxation, and even induce a state of euphoria. read more...
By Crystal Smith | Aug-21-2009

766 Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) or Heart Burn and Its Treatment
By acid reflux disease (GERD) content from the stomach comes up into the aesophagus or even into the mouth and throut causing burning sensations and sour taste as primary symptoms. Read here about causes, mechanisms and treatment options of GERD. read more...
By Knut Holt | Aug-20-2009

835 Practical Advices to Get Slim
Many people fail in their slimming process because they consume a lot more fat and sugar than they know about. Here are some practical advices about how you can get absolute control of your food consume and lifestyle to successfully get slim. read more...
By Knut Holt | Aug-20-2009

1632 Opiate Addiction Symptoms and Signs
Opiate addiction is an insidious problem that has plagued society for centuries, but perhaps never more so than today. A two-edged sword, opiates can heal or destroy. read more...
By Crystal Smith | Aug-19-2009

1463 Beauty Salon Interior Design Ideas and Advice
Each area of your beauty salon should be organized, functional and ergonomic as a benefit not only to you the owner, but for your employees and clients as well. Planning and careful consideration of the entire flow of your salon or spa will impact the experience for your clients. Remember that the quality of your beauty salon will effect the quality of your stylists, clients, and inevitably the success or failure of your business. read more...
By Paul Keller | Aug-18-2009

703 Heroin Addiction Symptoms and Signs
An opiate that belongs to the morphine-codeine family, heroin goes by the chemical name of diacetylmorphine. This vastly illegal drug is derived from the opium poppy. read more...
By Crystal Smith | Aug-18-2009

846 Airbrush Makeup Is All You Need to Look Perfect
Airbrush Makeup will never burden your skin, make it look artificial or damage it in any way. Quality and comfort are the key words to keep in mind with Airbrush Makeup, for both glamour and natural styles. Besides, you may find discount Airbrush makeup if you know where to look for it; online stores offer more discounts than regular shops and you will also be able to avoid the shipping fees in many of them. read more...
By webmaster dinair | Aug-25-2009

723 Cocaine Addiction Symptoms and Signs
This notorious white powder that cocaine is has its origins in leaves derived from the South American coca plant. Leaves that were being freely used by the Mayans for their stimulating qualities became known to Europe following Spain's conquest of that continent. read more...
By Crystal Smith | Aug-17-2009

635 New York Drug Rehab and Addiction Treatment Programs
New York drug rehab centers address a variety of addictions. New York City's location provides easy access to numerous other cities in just a few hours' drive, making it a very attractive hub for drug traffickers. There are drug detoxification and rehabilitation centers around the state to attempt to deal with the effects of addictive drugs. read more...
By Crystal Smith | Aug-14-2009

557 Thigh Lifts Improve Drooping - Liposuction And Arm Lifts
Aging and massive weight loss may have drastic effects on the elasticity of the cells of the skin and fat is stored and lost. Unfortunately, exercise and diet alone will not be able to cut and boost what you want. In many cases, cosmetic surgery is the only option to reverse the effects of time and physical stress was placed on the body. Liposuction and lift procedures can eliminate those stubborn fat deposits and tighten the saggy skin. read more...
By Manseo | Aug-14-2009

669 The Fundamentals of a Leg Lift and a Thigh Lift
Although the popularity of face lifts has general knowledge of this type of lift fairly common; most people do not have the same type of knowledge when it comes to other types of mechanical bodies. A type of body lift many people benefit from May thigh lift is also known as a leg lift. There are several types of lifts and thigh many reasons a person May require one or more of these procedures. read more...
By Manseo | Aug-14-2009