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5 Reasons Why You Shouldn't Try DIY for Plumbing Repairs
In this article, we'll discuss five reasons why you shouldn't try DIY for plumbing repairs. read more...
By Becky Joseph | May-10-2023

Tips and Tricks to Prevent Air Conditioning Repairs
Here are some tips and tricks on how to prevent air conditioning Eastern Suburbs Sydney repairs. read more...
By John Dilan | Apr-04-2023

A Guide to Prevent Air Conditioning Repairs
Here are some tips and tricks on how to prevent air conditioning Inner West Sydney repairs. read more...
By John Dilan | Apr-04-2023

The Dangers of Delaying Air Conditioning Repairs
Air conditioning is an essential part of our lives, especially during the hot summer months. read more...
By John Dilan | Apr-04-2023

Why You Shouldn’t Ignore Air Conditioning Repairs
Air conditioning is an essential part of our lives, especially during the hot summer months. read more...
By John Dilan | Apr-04-2023

775 How Many Flames do I Need on a Cigar Lighter?
Cigar smokers have one of the most elegant and interesting rituals around when it comes to lighting up. It takes skill to light a cigar and many cigar lighters come equipped with various devices required for the task. Some lighters come with other interesting features. read more...
By Dave Sabot | Oct-08-2009

1237 Storing Lighter Butane
Butane lighters are high-quality, reliable devices that can provide years of service to their owners. The fuel they use is clean-burning and imparts no flavor to tobacco. That fuel, however, does require some care where storage is concerned. read more...
By Dave Sabot | Oct-08-2009

636 Selecting the Right Butane Lighter
While too few individuals realize it, elegance and ostentatious are antonyms. The right accessories can communicate a lot of style and elegance and lighters are, perhaps, one of the most under-used ways to achieve this effect. read more...
By Dave Sabot | Oct-08-2009

656 Zippo Maintenance
Zippo lighters require some care when refueled. The liquid fuel used is slow to evaporate"thus, the lighter's famous windproof performance"and can damage surfaces in addition to posing a fire hazard. read more...
By Dave Sabot | Oct-08-2009

720 Basic Lighter Care
Refillable lighters are an investment that can easily last a lifetime if they're properly cared for and maintained. This process is not very complex and mostly involves keeping cleaning to a regular schedule, making certain only the best fuels and other supplies are used in the lighter and, if the lighter happens to have a very expensive or ornate finish, making certain that it's protected from scratches and dents. read more...
By Dave Sabot | Oct-08-2009

602 Lighting a Cigar with a Zippo
Some cigar smokers enjoy nothing more than getting out on the water, in the woods or to the campground and lighting up their favorite brand of cigar. Being outside, there are no concerns about the aroma and one is free to puff to their heart's content. read more...
By Dave Sabot | Oct-08-2009

568 Smoking a Cigar Halfway
When people debate the question of whether or not a cigar should be smoked fully or just halfway, they're really debating whether or not there is something inherently bad about a half-smoked cigar. read more...
By Dave Sabot | Oct-08-2009

655 How to Fix a Lighter
Most lighters can be counted on to fire up with incredible reliability. Occasionally, there are problems. Most of these problems are well-within the ability of the user to remedy. read more...
By Dave Sabot | Oct-08-2009

609 How to Store a Cigar Lighter
Refillable lighters are a great investment and can provide many years, even generations, of service. They need to be safeguarded when not in use, however. read more...
By Dave Sabot | Oct-08-2009

876 Butane Lighter Care
Butane lighters are available in models which are made for use in rugged environments. A wind resistant lighter used to mean fluid-filled but today's gas-filled lighters can provide reliable service in conditions which would make a cheaper lighter useless. read more...
By Dave Sabot | Oct-08-2009

884 Avail Eco-Friendly Toys through Reputed Toy Distributors
If you are an environment lover and want to make your kids to know the importance of environment, then avail them eco-friendly toys. These are made with contents which do not have negative impact on the environment. read more...
By Article Manager | Oct-08-2009

969 Green Toys Distributor Endeavours to Reduce the Carbon Footprint to a Great Level
Green toys distributors and wholesalers not only offer eco-friendly toys and other games in bulk at reasonable prices, but they also help to keep kids protected from various diseases. read more...
By Article Manager | Oct-08-2009

827 Tapestries through the ages
The history of tapestries can be traced back to at least the 3rd B.C. century across varied world cultures. However, tapestry as an art form was brought to a point of culmination by the skilled French weavers of medieval times. read more...
By mike smith | Oct-08-2009

675 Decorate your dream homes with the modern wall arts-Free tips inside
Are you the one worried about your homes for the absence of liveliness in them? Here is a guide for you to change your ordinary homes to your dream homes in no matter of time. To start with, let me give you some ideas about deciding themes for your house. read more...
By Jesse Witham | Oct-08-2009

735 How to Glue a Cigar Wrapper
Imagine the disappointment: One gets home with their prized cigar, they pull out their lighter, sit down in their favorite chair and unwrap the cigar only to find that the wrapper has come undone. read more...
By Dave Sabot | Oct-07-2009

601 When Should I Ash my Cigar?
Cigar smoking, like any other gourmet activity, is one where every aspect of the endeavor matters. This includes when one should ash their cigar. read more...
By Dave Sabot | Oct-07-2009

601 Trimming and Relighting a Cigar
Cigars, much to their credit, can burn a long while. The idea of having a long, relaxing smoke is one of their principal selling points and, where truly high-end cigars are concerned, smokers are often willing to pay quite a premium for that experience! read more...
By Dave Sabot | Oct-07-2009

683 Lighting a Cigar
Smoking a cigar is a different affair than smoking a cigarette. There are etiquette concerns regarding when and where it's appropriate to light up as much as there are etiquette concerns regarding how one lights up. read more...
By Dave Sabot | Oct-07-2009

514 Lighting Cigars with Cedar Strips
Smoking is as much about the accessories attached to the activity as it is about the tobacco itself. As is the case with cooking a gourmet meal, a smoker oftentimes spends an equal amount of time deciding upon the best way to go about their preferred leisure activity as they do deciding upon which type of tobacco or cigar they prefer. read more...
By Dave Sabot | Oct-07-2009

879 How to Light a Pipe With Pipe Lighter
A pipe lighter gives some information as to the correct way to light a pipe. Most of these lighters contains some attachments which are used in the tamping and cleaning process. read more...
By Dave Sabot | Oct-07-2009

539 Single, Double and Triple Flame Torch Lighter Uses
Selecting a lighter that is best for your needs can be a difficult task. There are numerous differences in models, flame configurations and styles on the market which can make this task all the more difficult. read more...
By Dave Sabot | Oct-07-2009

611 Differences in Cigar Wrappers
Wrappers are a very important part of a cigar. Not only do wrappers play a functional role, they also play a role in the experience of a cigar. read more...
By Dave Sabot | Oct-07-2009

969 Helping your pets make a stress-free move
According to the Center for Disease Control, pet ownership has a number of significant health benefits. Pet owners experience lower blood pressure, cholesterol and triglyceride levels, and are often more active than those without pets. read more...
By Joe Cline | Oct-07-2009

1512 Butterfly Gardening in Austin
Austin residents can visit one of the most beautiful butterfly gardens in the world at the Zilker Botanical Garden. The Doug Blachly Butterfly Trail and Garden features native plants and special feeders that attract many species of butterflies read more...
By Joe Cline | Oct-07-2009

615 Backyard Playgrounds: Plan for Safety
One of the great responsibilities of owning your own home is the maintenance and upkeep of your lawn and landscaping. Especially important is caring for your backyard; while not usually seen from the street, the backyard is often a center of activity for adults and children alike. read more...
By Joe Cline | Oct-07-2009